GRIT - Hardcore Realistic Survival

This is the initial release of my ultra-hardcore realistic perma-dealth rogue-like.. whew that's a mouthful!  You play as a castaway who needs to calculate his every move if he is to survive on this barren piece of rock.  Prepare for the life of utter misery as you try to harvest the barely edible plants, fight off poisonous snakes and hide from bone chilling storms.  To make it even harder, properties of every plant, tree and rock on the island are dynamically generated, so you never know which food will give you much needed energy and which will simply poison you.  There are a few ways to get off the island, but lets face it, you're probably just going to go insane or die.

Please report all bugs and ideas to the forum, I plan on updating this game often, and go deeper and deeper into survival elements, where now you simply get a virus and die, eventually you'll be able to track exactly how the virus/bacteria/parasite is killing you, also in the plans are broken bones and more varied treasure sites.

Files 18 MB
Mar 12, 2019

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